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Using the Simple MM Controller

We provide a fast way to start using this package when no advanced configuration is needed and you wish to control Motion Matching by script. You can quickly get an animated avatar by using the SimpleMMController script.


To explore an example scene, access the Package Manager, select the Motion Matching package, and import the Examples sample. The sample scene will be located at Samples/Motion Matching/[version]/Examples/Scenes/00_Basic/ExampleSimpleMMController.unity.

Getting Started:

  1. Import the Samples: Import the package's example samples through the Package Manager.
  2. Add the Prefab: Drag and drop the Samples/Motion Matching/[version]/Examples/Assets/Prefabs/SimpleMMController prefab into your scene.

    This prefab contains the following components on its GameObjects:

    • Root GameObject: SimpleMMController script (the main interface for controlling the character).
    • Child GameObjects: Contain a CharacterController, a MotionMatchingController, and the animated avatar.
  3. Script Interaction: Obtain a reference to the SimpleMMController script from your custom script.

  4. Control Velocity: Use the SetVelocity(Vector2 velocity) public function to set the desired direction and speed of the avatar's movement. The Vector2 input represents the velocity in the horizontal plane (X and Z axes).