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Unity Animator Integration

The package provides a seamless way to integrate Unity's built-in animation system with Motion Matching. This allows you to blend between the poses produced by Unity's Animator component and those generated by Motion Matching.


Refer to the sample for a hands-on guide on integrating Motion Matching with Unity's Animator component.


The Animator component in Unity allows for a complex arrangement of animation clips, transitions, and layers. Since the Animator is not easily extendable, this project processes poses separately. The MotionMatchingSkinnedMeshRenderer component bridges the two systems by offering an easy way to blend and mask joints.

Animator Integration Options

In the MotionMatchingSkinnedMeshRenderer component, you'll find an Animator Integration section with the following fields:

Field Description
Avatar Mask Specifies which of Unity's humanoid joints will be animated by the Motion Matching system. Set to none to animate all joints.
Root Positions Mask If enabled, Motion Matching will handle character movement.
Root Rotations Mask If enabled, Motion Matching will handle character rotation.
Blend Poses Activate this to enable inertialize blending, mitigating abrupt pose changes.
Blend Half Life Adjust this to change the blending speed. Represents the time needed to cover half the distance from the source to the target pose.

Any change in settings, like modifying the Avatar Mask, will trigger an automatic blending using custom inertialization.


Feel free to exchange the Avatar Mask in the MotionMatchingSkinnedMeshRenderer component at runtime. Poses will automatically blend according to your new settings.

Creating an Avatar Mask

To create an Avatar Mask:

  1. Right-click in the Unity Project window.
  2. Select Create/MotionMatching/AvatarMaskData.