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Motion Matching for Unity

Welcome to the Motion Matching implementation designed for the Unity game engine. This project originated from the author's master thesis, providing a deep dive into both the Motion Matching technique and the workings of this specific Unity package. Download the complete thesis here for an extensive overview. The project is a work-in-progress, aiming to offer a comprehensive Motion Matching solution for Unity. It can serve as a useful resource for those keen to learn or implement their own Motion Matching solution or even extend this existing package.

Project Architecture. The two core components are the Motion Matching Controller (in red) and the Character Controllers (in green). Components with dashed outlines are not yet implemented.


If you find this package beneficial, kindly attribute it to this repository or cite the author's master thesis using the following citation:

  author  = {Ponton, Jose Luis},
  title   = {Motion Matching for Character Animation and Virtual Reality Avatars in Unity},
  school  = {Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya},
  year    = {2022},
  doi     = {10.13140/RG.2.2.31741.23528/1}


This project is distributed under the MIT License. For complete license details, refer to the LICENSE file.